Event box

Teaching with Wikipedia. Registration required.

In this 50-minute webinar, you'll learn how to use a Wikipedia assignment and how to access Wiki Education's free support and resources. With the rise of AI, assessing student work is challenging. This session, presented by Andrés Vera from Wiki Education will show how a Wikipedia assignment can take students beyond the classroom. By using faculty expertise and Wikipedia's rules, students can fill content gaps, improve representation, and enhance citations. Wiki Education supports many faculty in the U.S. and Canada with custom syllabi, resources, training, and staff support. Students gain research, writing, and digital literacy skills while improving knowledge equity. Register for event required  https://saskpolytech.zoom.us/meeting/register/2I47c0llRmKcUYbyC59RzQ 

Monday, March 3, 2025
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Time Zone:
Saskatchewan Time (change)
  External (to Sask Polytech)  
  Open Education Week  

Event Organizer

Donna Cook-Thiessen

I am Donna Cook-Thiessen, a Sask Polytechnic librarian.

Map image previewMy office is located near the front desk at the Saskatoon campus library; ask for me there  or contact me at 306-549-4040.  You can also book an appointment on-line. Email me, if you prefer at thiessendon@saskpolytech.ca.

Faculty - I can research questions related to Copyright and assist you in seeking compliance with Institutional and Copyright Act quandries. I can also assist you in beginning to work with our Presbooks platform or provide advice on starting an OER project; set up an appointment at your convenience.

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